The list of products sold in France and contaminated with fipronil has been published by the Ministry of Agriculture.
The Ministry of Agriculture has released on his site the list of products on the market prepared from eggs contaminated with fipronil. Two lists have been distributed: the first includes “products withdrawn from sale in France” and the second, “products withdrawn from sale and also subject to a recall measure from consumers due to a significant presence of fipronil”.
The first list is so far for waffles of various brands. The affected batches are listed in the table below. Pesticide concentrations are below the authorized limit.
No high concentrations
The second is for the moment empty: “at the current stage, no checks carried out by French companies on products intended for consumption have revealed a concentration above the authorized limit”, indicates the ministry. No product has therefore been recalled from consumers.
“These two lists are evolving: they will be supplemented as and when confirmations of the presence of fipronil in products above the authorized limit”, one can read in the ministerial press release.
Confirmation of the presence of fipronil in products intended for the French market comes from several sources, specifies the Ministry of Agriculture. It can be “information provided by the supplier of a product”: “a foreign or French establishment which confirms to its customers (processors or distributors) that the products it has delivered to them are contaminated”. In this case, “the French authorities are informed of this confirmation”.
It can also be “information obtained in the context of official controls carried out by the national authorities of France or of another Member State”. In which case the French authorities are informed.