The Scientific Council was created to guide the government in its decision-making during the coronavirus epidemic in France. Composed of 17 experts with Jean-François Delfraissy as President, the organization is today giving its opinion on the vaccination obligation of nursing staff.
Will caregivers soon have to be vaccinated against Covid-19?
The vaccine obligation is experiencing a resurgence of notoriety in France, since it is the vaccine that is the most effective means to fight against the epidemic of coronavirus and its variants. The subject raises many questions and several specialists have already spoken out in favor of this obligation. It is the turn of the Scientific Council to deliver its opinion this Friday, July 9, the aim of which is ” to inform public decision-making in the management of the health situation linked to the coronavirus “. Today, faced with the threat of a fourth wave, the independent committee is in favor of compulsory vaccination for caregivers. In his press release, he also mentions “ legal and legislative measures that must be taken on this subject “. On the other hand, the obligation to be vaccinated against Covid-19 could be extended to other people, such as ” caregivers “, Personal services staff and” all (non-health) professionals exposed and exposed to a risk for others “. What pushes the Scientific Council to be favorable to the vaccination obligation, it is especially the progression of the Delta variant in France, which, according to the Minister of Health Olivier Véran, could be “ soon majority, probably this weekend, in our country “.
Where is the vaccination in nursing homes?
According to experts, vaccination coverage among caregivers and staff in the medico-social sector is still too low, even if it has tended to increase in recent months. Indeed, it is specified that “ Only 40% of EHPAD staff, public or private, would be vaccinated with great territorial heterogeneity “. The Scientific Committee recalls that “ the choice of a health profession comes with a professional responsibility towards the people / patients we support And cites as an example the clusters recently identified, in the Landes for example, by unvaccinated staff members. In addition, it indicates that ” The epidemic can only be controlled with 90% to 95% of people vaccinated or infected “. According to the Directorate General of Health, only 39% of the French population has a complete vaccination schedule.