INCa is launching a new information campaign for the general public and healthcare professionals to encourage screening for colorectal cancer.
Colorectal cancer, or colon-rectal cancer, affected 43,000 people and caused 17,500 deaths in 2015 in France. However, if it is detected early, it is cured in 9 out of 10 cases. This figure should not be forgotten, especially since detecting this cancer is now easier thanks to the immunological test. Simple, quick and efficient, to do at home, it can save your life.
For this reason, the National Cancer Institute (INCa) is launching a new information campaign on Monday for the general public and health professionals to encourage the colorectal cancer screening.
Foster dialogue
The National Cancer Institute wishes, through this campaign disseminated in the press, to invite a dialogue with the doctor on this subject: “Are you over 50? So it’s time to talk to your doctor about colorectal cancer screening ”.
Every two years, women and men aged 50 to 74 are thus invited by mail to consult their attending physician for a screening test.
For example, the immunological screening test for colorectal cancer is indicated for people said to be “at medium risk” for whom only age constitutes a risk factor; 95% of colorectal cancers appear after 50 years. The doctor recalls the issues and the limits, gives the test again and explains how to carry it out at home. It can also be based on a video user manual available on (see the clip below).
Source: Inca YouTube channel
Finally, after sending to the laboratory, the doctor and the patient receive the results. In 96% of cases, no anomaly is detected. But in 4% of cases, a colonoscopy will be offered. It will detect any lesions of the colon or rectum and, if so, treat them.
A different risk depending on the person
However, it should be noted that the risk of developing colorectal cancer is not the same for everyone. This is why it is important to talk to your doctor about it. Depending on your personal or family history, he will assess your risk level to develop this type of cancer and will direct you to the screening or monitoring methods best suited to your situation.
People (even before the age of 50) with a personal or family history of diseases affecting the colon or rectum or a symptomatology suggestive of this cancer will thus be offered other methods of screening and follow-up.
How much does it cost ?
The test and its interpretation are 100% covered by the health insurance, without any advance on your part. The consultation with the attending physician is reimbursed at 70% by health insurance, on the basis of the agreed rate of 23 euros. The remainder at your expense is reimbursed by your complementary health insurance (insurance, mutual) if you have one.
Note: if you are a beneficiary of complementary universal health coverage (CMU-c) or State medical aid (AME), you will not have to advance money for the consultation with the attending physician. Everything will be taken care of by health insurance.