At least drink before you get thirsty
When it’s hot you tend to drink a glass of cold water, preferably with ice cubes and a slice of lemon. Delicious, but does it also have the best cooling effect? It is often said that it is better to have a cup of warm tea. What works better, hot or cold drinking in hot weather?
Drinking hot tea would be better than drinking cold drinks, because the high temperature causes a temporary increase in your body temperature. Your body adapts to this by lowering your body temperature. As a result, your body cools down. The same would apply the other way around, if you drink cold, your body temperature rises.
No effect
A beautiful story and true. However, there is one very big but to this story, because you would have to drink a lot of cold or hot drinks for it to have an effect on your body temperature. A single glass doesn’t help at all.
Drink enough
The temperature of what you drink is not all that important. It is much more important that you drink enough, even if you are not thirsty yet. On hot days you sweat more, so you have to drink more than usual. If you urinate less than usual or if your urine is dark in color, you are drinking too little.
An adult usually needs about one and a half to two liters of fluids per day from drinks. At high temperatures it is good to drink at least two liters. You can drink tea and water, but also coffee on a hot day. Many people think that coffee is diuretic, but that is a myth. Alcohol, on the other hand, is a diuretic.
It is also always handy to take a bottle of water with you when you go out. So you always have water with you on the go. For example, you could end up in a traffic jam or imagine that your train is delayed.
It is also not necessary to eat extra salt when it is warm. If you just eat, you get enough salt. The chance that you will become deficient in salt through perspiration is very small.