Besides its well-known caffeine, a cup of coffee also provides minerals: potassium, but also magnesium, calciumsodium iron, zinc and copper, as well as group B vitamins (B2, B3, B5 and B6). As for its quantity of antioxidant polyphenols, it is impressive: between 200 and 550 mg per cup. According to a study by NutriNet-Santé (May 2010), coffee is even the first source of intake of these (well before fruits and vegetables and just before tea), protectors against the diseases of aging (cancers, degenerative diseases) as well as cardiovascular illnesses. It is now established that coffee reduces the risk ofinfarction thanks to its effects antioxidants, but also that it does not raise blood pressure, prevents calcification of the arteries and reduces the risk of cardiovascular mortality after 50 years (from 3 cups per day).
A performance booster
A so-called “psychoactive” substance, caffeine stimulates the ability to pay attention and concentration, and, in the long term, the memory and motor skills. The dose of caffeine considered normal varies between 200 and 300 mg, but the amount of caffeine varies depending on the coffee chosen: 3 mg / 150 ml (decaffeinated), 65 mg / 150 ml (soluble coffee), 50 to 120 mg / 150 ml (arabica), 150 to 250 mg / 150 ml (robusta). “This is the dose at which we obtain interesting effects”, explains Astrid Nehlig. But we avoid overdoing it because, in excess, coffee tends to increase the heart rate (tachycardia), L’anxiety and irritability, and to affect, sometimes severely, the sleep. And we are not all equal when it comes to its effects. “Some people are” slow metabolizers “of caffeine, explains our specialist. In them, the effects of caffeine are felt longer. Others are “rapid metabolizers”, which eliminate it faster. »We must also take into account the total amount of caffeine (tea, sodas …) absorbed during the day.
Slimming and digestive effects
Treat yourself to a coffee at the end of a meal is rather a good idea. Caffeine stimulates the secretion of stomach acid, which is necessary for digestion. Normal or deca, it promotes bile production and increases the motor skills of the colon, resulting in a slightly laxative effect after its absorption (within half an hour). Nevertheless “some are subject to stomach pains because of a component of coffee, especially if it is drunk without meals, ”warns Astrid Nehlig. On the silhouette side, caffeine slightly increases thermogenesis, and therefore energy expenditure. Coffee also boosts physical performance during endurance sports (running, bike…) and delays the onset of the feeling of physical fatigue. Finally, “caffeine acts as an analgesic and has an anti-headache action,” explains Astrid Nehlig. But above all, it potentiates 40% of the action of classic analgesics, so it is wise to take them with a coffee. The quantity of drug can thus be reduced. “
Our expert: Astrid Nehlig, Research Director at INSERM (Paris)
In what form is it found?
In grains
The authentic version, more restrictive, because you have to grind them yourself, but guaranteed freshness since you do it at the last moment.
The quick version. At the roaster, we ask for the grind that suits our method of preparation: filter, Italian coffee maker, French press …
In capsules
The version “for dummies”, since the machine doses everything for us (but not a terrible use from an ecological point of view).
Ideas for every day
Mix in a blender 1 glass of hazelnut milk, 1 espresso and 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream, until the preparation is foamy. Serve in a glass and enjoy immediately.
Iced coffee
Combine a cup of filtered coffee, ice cubes, a touch of maple syrup and a dash of vanilla extract.
Red meat sauce
Fry the red meat in a little olive oil, then remove it. Pour 20 g of butter, 10 cl of liquid cream and 1 strong espresso into the pan, reduce while stirring and serve on the meat.
Express recipes
Coffee granita
Melt 200 g of sugar in 30 cl of simmering water. Let cool. Add 30 cl of espresso or strong coffee.
Place 3 hours in the freezer, scraping every 15 to 20 minutes with a fork.
Tiramisu verrine
Dip cookies in strong coffee, place them in a verrine, cover whipped biscuits with vanilla and brown sugar, and sprinkle with cocoa.
Prepare an espresso, pour it over a scoop of vanilla ice cream installed in a glass. Immediately taste this great Italian classic, which means “drowned coffee”! You can also use a hazelnut or Stracciatella ice cream.
Read also :
Coffee: friend or foe?
Coffee, a stimulating bean
3 cups of coffee a day are beneficial for your health