As if the war wasn’t enough. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a cholera epidemic will soon threaten Syria, already hit by the war, which has led to a significant deterioration in sanitary conditions.
“As the hot season approaches, what worries us in particular is the possible appearance of cholera,” said Dr Elizabeth Hoff, WHO representative in Syria at a press conference in Geneva. , reported by whydoctor.
At present, the country is already affected by epidemics of typhoid andhepatitis A, especially in rebel-held areas. But cholera alone represents a significant threat, given the precarious conditions of the Syrians. Cholera is indeed an infectious disease common in rainy weather, which is transmitted by dirty water. If left untreated, it causes diarrhea and severe dehydration that can be fatal.
According to WHO estimates, there are 3 to 5 million cases of cholera each year worldwide, and 100,000 to 120,000 deaths. However, the WHO recalls on his site that this disease is easy to treat, since “we can successfully treat up to 80% of cases with oral rehydration salts. »
Read also :
Haiti: how to stop the cholera epidemic?
Cholera: researchers unravel the mystery of the disease