Follow this tasty and easy recipes to make Chocolate mousse

Practical information
- Number of people: 2
- Difficulty: Easy
- Cost: Economical
- Type of cooking: No cooking
- Calories: 169
- Type: Dessert
- Category: Beverage
- Nutritional criteria: Antidiabetes, Antioxidant, Low calories, Gluten free, Dairy free,
- Melt chocolate in microwave with 1 tbsp. of water 30 sec at full power, stir and if necessary put back 15 sec.
- Add the salt to the egg whites then beat them until stiff.
- As soon as the chocolate is melted, incorporate the whipped egg whites.
- Divide into two cups and refrigerate.
Recipe created by Nathalie Negro, dietician, Head of the Nutritional Center of Brides-les-Bains thermal baths and Sébastien ROUX
Chef, Golf Hotel ****, Brides-les-Bains
Health tips
Meal balance: this dessert will replace the fruit of the meal and 1 tbsp. coffee oil
169 Cal / pers. P = 4g L = 9g G = 17g