French researchers recruit people bitten by ticks, obese children aged 7 are more affected in adolescence and the Academy of Medicine calls on the public authorities to take real measures against alcohol consumption. Here is the main news.
French researchers recruit people bitten by ticks
Have you recently been bitten by a tick? Scientists need you! The Ohticks project aims to identify the different diseases transmitted by these insects. The study is developed by Inra and the Institut Pasteur in 4 French hospitals (Saint-Antoine in Paris, CHU de Saint-Etienne, CHU de Besançon, CHU Garches). Ticks bite humans and animals, and transfer bacteria to them. If they are known in particular to transmit Lyme disease, they can also cause other pathologies. The research team is precisely interested in unexplained symptoms to understand which bacteria are the cause. To read further, click here.
Emotional disorders: obese children at 7 years old are more affected in adolescence
Obesity is not just a matter of weight: an English study shows that children who are affected are more likely to suffer from emotional problems as they grow up. Researchers from the University of Liverpool analyzed data from more than 17,000 English children, including information on their weight, height and emotional state. They find that from the age of 7, obesity and mental health are linked: obese children at 7 are more likely to suffer from anxiety or to be frequently in a bad mood at the age of 11. . This concerns both boys and girls, although the latter generally have a higher body mass index (BMI) and more emotional problems. One in five obese teenagers felt emotional distress. To learn more, click here.
Alcohol: the Academy of Medicine calls on the public authorities to take real measures
In an indignant argument, the National Academy of Medicine calls on the public authorities to take much stronger measures to fight against alcohol consumption in France. “For the first time since the Second World War, alcohol consumption is no longer falling in France. This is a major defeat for public health because alcohol is a fundamental determinant”, begins the institution. Last March, Santé Publique France published new guidelines for alcohol consumption (maximum 10 glasses per week, no more than 2 glasses per day and not every day), noting that nearly one in four French people exceeds at least 1 one of these three benchmarks and that 3.5% even exceed the three. We tell you more in our article.