Fever, joint pain… Chikungunya is spreading in Guyana. In 13 days, 1,050 new cases were declared in the department, which goes into phase 3.
After Réunion, the French Antilles, it is Guyana’s turn to be affected by an epidemic of chikungunya. Declared since October 14, it is getting stronger week after week. “There is an increased intensity of the epidemic with a high incidence in the West,” admitted the director of the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Guyana, Christian Meurin, interviewed by AFP.
Malathion spray
During its last epidemiological update, the Institut de Veille Sanitaire (InVS) observed 5,910 “clinically suggestive” cases, ie 2.4% of the Guyanese population. Between 6 and 19 October, 1,050 additional cases were declared. But unlike other overseas departments, Guyana does not currently deplore any deaths linked to this tropical infectious disease.
Acting the new stage of the epidemic, the ARS has gone into phase 3 since October 14 and has put in place the appropriate measures. Christian Meurin told AFP the spraying of malathion in November, a controversial insecticide because it is toxic to the body in the short and long term. More “classic” measures are also part of the plan to fight chikungunya. It consists in strengthening health surveillance and intervening as soon as a case appears, but also in informing health professionals, systematically disinsecting planes, informing passengers of flights.
Solidarity and prevention
ARS Guyana also communicated with the populations. She circulates a leaflet intended for the population. “Let’s destroy our (mosquito, editor’s note) and let us show solidarity by transmitting this information in our neighborhood and by helping our neighbors who would find it difficult to integrate these prevention messages or to implement them, ”insisted the ARS.
Source: ARS Guyana
Both travelers and residents of Guyana are encouraged to protect themselves from bites by installing mosquito nets, wearing long clothing and using repellents or insecticides. “Protecting yourself from mosquito bites means protecting those around you,” says ARS.
As a reminder, chikungunya is manifested by high fevers, migraines, muscle and joint pain which can persist for several months to several years. It cannot be treated or prevented with a vaccine. It is important to consult a doctor as soon as symptoms appear, as this allows the authorities to put in place suitable isolation measures.