Spotlight on chickenpox. The number of cases is rising sharply …
The chickenpox virus is very active in half of France. The most affected region is Languedoc-Roussillon. 137 out of 100,000 people have contracted chickenpox. We cannot yet speak of an epidemic, but we are not far from it.
As it is a very contagious disease, the number of cases will inevitably increase in the coming weeks?
Yes, by the way, in the spring, it’s traditional, chickenpox resurfaces. So don’t panic, you know, it’s a mild illness. The treatment is simple: we lower the fever but be careful, only with paracetamol. Anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin should be avoided.
And for pimples, what to do to avoid scratching?
So, already for children it is better to cut their nails short. Because scratching the buttons is to take the risk of having scars. Then, it is necessary to disinfect the small buttons morning and evening. Talc, I specify, is useless and it even increases superinfection. The doctor may prescribe an antihistamine, this is a medicine that will reduce the itching. And then, finally, we avoid hot baths and exposure to the sun.
But, can we also get vaccinated?
Indeed, the vaccine against chickenpox is not compulsory. But the good thing to know is that it can be given within three days of contact with someone who is contagious. However, for some people, protecting themselves against chickenpox is very important. This is the case of pregnant women who did not have chickenpox during childhood. Since the vaccine is dangerous for them, it may be wise to immunize a child whose mother is pregnant.
By the way, overall, is chickenpox more serious in adults?
That is true. There can be complications, as I said, in pregnant women, but also in people with weak immune defenses. The main complication is the scratching of pimples, which then causes bacterial superinfection. This is the only case where antibiotics are recommended. These complications can be very serious. 20 deaths due to chickenpox are recorded each year in France.