It’s a french paradox which women would have done well without. While specialists claim that this disease could be put away in the drawers of the past, cancer of the cervix still affects 2,800 women a year and claims a thousand victims.
And the French Society of Colposcopy and Cervicovaginal Pathology (SFCPCV) intends to recall this on the occasion of its 40th national congress, which opens in Parisnotes Anne Jeanblanc in Point.
Screening is simple, quick and inexpensive. The smear makes it possible to identify precancerous lesions and therefore to intervene before they turn into cancer. However, “50 to 60% of French women submit to this examination, compared to 85% in UK “recalls the journalist.
The SFCPCV campaigns for organized and quality screening. Combined with the vaccination of adolescent girls, it would eventually eradicate this pathology.
However, French specialists do not underestimate the flaws in the care chain of which they are the links.
Starting with the risk of over-treatment. “Each year, in France, a third of the more than 25,000 surgical excisions of precancerous cervical lesions performed would not be justified”, explains the magazine on its site. And in the majority of cases (70%), these interventions would be performed without microscopic control. A gesture that nevertheless makes it possible to limit obstetric complications in women, especially young women, such as, for example, premature deliveries.
And the observation does not stop there. The SFCPCV also estimates that half of the 3,500 ablations of the uterus (hysterectomies) carried out for lesions of the cervix are “most likely by excess”. A barely disguised way of recommending that women contact specialists who adhere to a quality charter that obeys European recommendations. At first glance, not all do!