Daily cannabis users are more likely to have coronary heart disease than people who have never smoked marijuana.
- Consuming cannabis daily increases the risk of coronary heart disease.
- Monthly cannabis use was not associated with increased heart disease.
- The tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) present in cannabis could be the cause of the disorder.
Cannabis is the most experienced illicit product in France. In 2020, almost half of adults (46%) had already consumed it, according to a French Public Health study. However, its use is not without consequence.
Research, conducted by Stanford University and to be presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology, shows that daily use of marijuana increases the risk of developing coronary artery disease. Also called coronary artery disease, this pathology is one of the most common heart disorders.
Marijuana increases risk of coronary heart disease by 34%
Scientists came to this conclusion after studying data from the research program National Institutes of Health All of Us, which includes detailed information on the health and habits of 175,000 people. They assessed the relationship between frequency of cannabis use and rates of coronary artery disease.
“After adjusting for age, sex and major cardiovascular risk factors, results indicated that daily cannabis users were 34% more likely to have coronary heart disease than those who never used marijuana”write the scientists in a press release dated February 24, 2023.
On the other hand, monthly cannabis use was not associated with a significant increase in the risk of coronary artery disease according to the results obtained.
“We found that cannabis use is related to coronary artery disease, and there appears to be a dose-response relationship in that more frequent cannabis use is associated with a higher risk of coronary artery disease”explained Dr. Ishan Paranjpe, a physician at Stanford University and the lead author of the study. “In terms of the public health message, it shows that there are probably some harms of cannabis use that weren’t recognized before, and people should take heed of that.”
Coronary artery disease and cannabis: what are the causes of the link?
The study researchers attempted to explain the link found between regular marijuana use and coronary heart disease. “Previous studies have suggested that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the molecule responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis, acts on receptors found in the central nervous system as well as in the heart and blood vessels. This interaction between THC and blood vessels may provide a pathway for cannabis to promote inflammation and plaque buildup, ultimately leading to coronary heart disease.”they explained in their press release.
“From a scientific perspective, these findings are exciting, as they suggest that there may be new drug targets and mechanisms we can explore to take control of this pathway in the future.”Dr. Paranjpe concluded.