Tobacco, overweight, alcohol. Three factors that are responsible for cancer and that could reduce the risk with just a change in lifestyle. The British Cancer Research Institute recently recalled that 4 out of 10 cancers could be prevented if we changed our lifestyle.
As a fun reminder of the importance of taking care of your health on a daily basis, the National Cancer Institute offers an online quiz entitled “Cancer prevention: the test, 3 minutes to take stock”.
Good tailor-made advice
The test aims to raise awareness of screening and provide personalized advice to the participant based on these responses to a specific questionnaire. The questionnaire asks for information on the consumption of tobacco andalcohol, eating habits (consumption of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, red meat and cold meats) and physical activity, exposure to the sun (artificial UV rays, sun protection), age and weight but also on the professional environment (exposure to harmful substances). The aim is to better assess the risk factors to which the respondent is potentially exposed.
This test, which provides a fun self-diagnosis, does not in any way replace the advice of a health professional.
>> To read also:Tobacco is involved in twelve types of cancer