Here again, there is no incompatibility: combining several complementary therapies will in no way reduce their respective effectiveness.
It is also difficult to see how going to the osteopath or acupuncturist to treat his pain, could influence the concomitant intake of granules, even if they relate to the same symptoms.
These disciplines complement each other perfectly.
Homeopathic physicians also readily prescribe the intake oftrace elements (oligotherapy) next to their granules. These vital minerals, which are naturally found in the blood in very small amounts, contribute to the general biological balance. The body normally draws them from food, but an additional supply is sometimes necessary to compensate for deficiencies and stimulate certain reactions which intervene in the defense or the regulation of the organism. It is classically recommended to take copper, gold and silver to fight infections, lithium or magnesium to calm the nerves, cobalt in rheumatic pains, etc. (in pharmacies).
The particular case of phytotherapy
It is more rare to see a doctor simultaneously using the herbal medicine and homeopathy. Indeed, the use of plants at “normal” (and non-homeopathic) doses seems rather inappropriate when the same plants appear in the granules, in the form of extremely diluted mother tinctures. Some doctors will choose one or the other form of herbal preparation, depending on the case, rather than both together. If, on your own, in addition to homeopathy, you absorb trace elements, herbal teas or other food supplements, there is no danger. We just advise you to always start the treatment with the granules, waiting at least ten minutes before other doses, until they are completely absorbed. It is also recommended to proceed by short cures and to report it to your homeopathic doctor.