Back to school is stressful for everyone, young and old. But there are tips to leave your little one without drowning in torrents of tears, hers but also yours!
It’s normal for your child to cry, and it’s just as inevitable that your throat will be tight … if not more so. Also so that this first separation, which is very difficult for children as well as for parents, does not turn into a Greek tragedy with a heart of Valkyries, there are, according to our dear psychologists, some behaviors to be had and others not. First accept that it is hard for both and tell your child that it is difficult to separate, but that you are going to get there, that he can do it too …
It is true that just formulating what happens to us has a calming power!
Yes and we will also explain to him what will happen throughout the day because the unknown is very distressing for the child: for example, tell him that he will stay there in class, while dad and mom is going to go to work, that he is going to play, to paint (make sure that it is registered in the program), then that he is going to run in the yard, then to eat etc … and that all these great steps will go end with a reunion. In short, even if he doesn’t have the air to understand, he integrates what you say to him and your serenity reassures him!
So you have to talk, explain in the midst of tears, and then decide to leave, but when?
And yes we must resign ourselves to it even if the most unfortunate, it is perhaps you! This is a crucial step during which you have to apply another rule: when you say “I’m leaving” you have to go and not procrastinate, hesitate, or worse come back if he screams even louder: he will then have understood your dismay. and the more you hesitate, the more it will do everything to hold you back! But to alleviate his grief, at this time you have to take out of your bag the surprise, the small object or the blanket, which will make the link with the house, a small object that he will put in his pocket and can touch during the day. .
How many days is it normal for him to cry when you leave him?
This is the time it will take you to come to terms with the separation, to accept that someone other than you is looking after your child. Above all, you will have to show both at home and at school that you find the teacher formidable and that you trust her.
Of course, all this seems easy to say and not necessarily to live. However, I sincerely believe that the anguish, therefore the crying of the children arises from the doubts of the parents …