Study reveals beneficial impact of mindfulness meditation on workers’ mental health, especially in a stressful digital environment.
Burnout is a growing public health problem. A study, carried out in 2022 by Opinion Way, revealed that 34% of French employees were burned out and that 13% of them had a severe form. To protect yourself from work stress amplified by the difficulties of “disconnecting”, the solution would be mindfulness meditation, according to researchers at the University of Nottingham.
Their study was published in the journal PLOS ONEFebruary 23, 2023.
Digital stress and burnout: mindfulness reduces their effects
To reach these conclusions about the benefits of mindfulness meditation on digital stress and burnout, researchers surveyed 142 employees about their experience of digital work. That is to say their feelings about the use of emails, instant messaging, videoconferencing or even mobile devices (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.). They had to indicate their level of stress, anxiety and their fear of missing out on something (FOMO: acronym for Fear of missing out). Their dependence on technological tools and the effect of these on their health were also evaluated.
“Digital workplace technologies such as email, instant messaging, and mobile devices have been shown to contribute to employees’ perceptions of stress, and they may experience stress when having to adapt to a workplace constantly evolving digital technology. Which can lead to burnout and poorer health.”explains Dr Alexa Spence, co-author of the study, in a communicated.
The results of the questionnaires showed that workers who were confident in their use of digital tools were less likely to feel anxiety in their professional lives. In addition, researchers noticed that employees practicing mindfulness (a state of awareness that involves paying attention to the present moment, intentionally and without judgment) were better equipped than colleagues against the stress and anxiety fueled by digital tools. .
Data from 14 individual interviews also confirmed that digital mindfulness can help protect worker well-being.
Mindfulness: it should be integrated into work
This study highlights the significant impact of mindfulness on the well-being of digital workers. “Research shows that organizations need to think about how to manage digital workplace hazards as well as other psychosocial and physical workplace risks. Help employees develop mindful awareness when working digitally could really contribute to general well-being”estimates scientist Elvira Perez Vallejos.
His co-author Elizabeth Marsh adds “As work is increasingly linked to digital technology, we wanted to find out the impact this has on people’s health and if there are ways to mitigate it. We found that being completely digital awareness and confidence should be considered an important part of leading a healthy digital working life in the 21st century.”