Bruises: apply cold
You have to act as quickly as possible if you do not want to have a trace. As soon as you hit yourself, run the sore area under running cold water for a few minutes or apply an ice cube wrapped in a cloth. Do not put ice on the skin, it may burn. The ice causes the vessels to constrict and will relieve the swelling and pain. You can apply a compression bandage if you are worried about a lump.
Bruises: think of arnica
This is the number 1 remedy for bruises. It acts on pain and inflammation. As soon as you hurt yourself, you can apply it in gel, cream or ointment, or take it in homeopathic granules (4CH) every 30 minutes, 5-6 times in a row.
A tip: vinegar and clay poultices
The vinegar increases blood flow and helps eliminate the blood bag that forms during the bruise. The clay soothes pain and inflammation. Mix some powdered green clay in vinegar water to obtain a thick paste, apply on the bruises and leave to act for about an hour.
To avoid
If you are in pain, forget about aspirin which can promote bleeding. Prefer paracetamol.
Bruises: good to know
– If the shock is severe: if you have hit your eye or if the bruise is severe, it is best to see a doctor or call an emergency number. A big bruise can be accompanied by an injury or a fracture.
– If bruises appear easily: the appearance of bruises on the legs, after minimal shock or sometimes even without any shock, should be reported to your doctor. These could be venous insufficiency, side effects of an anticoagulant medication, or liver or blood disease.