It is the Scientific Council which calls on parents and professionals to be vigilant in the face of an epidemic of bronchiolitis which could be ” large scale This year, especially with regard to children. For what reasons ?
A virus not recognized by the immune system
With the Covid-19 pandemic, the circulation of influenza viruses and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which causes bronchiolitis, has declined significantly. In fact, for about 18 months, barrier gestures have been applied in order to avoid contracting certain diseases, in particular respiratory diseases, such as Covid-19 or bronchiolitis. The population, and in particular the children, are less in community than before. In addition, the confinements, the closure of nurseries or schools have resulted in isolation among the children, who have therefore not been confronted with the bronchiolitis virus. Their immune system has therefore not yet encountered this pathogen. According to the Scientific Council, which is responsible for guiding the French government in its decision-making concerning collective health, “ The bronchiolitis epidemic could be large given a significant acquired herd immunity deficit for children born after March 2020. “
Bronchiolitis, what to do in prevention?
This disease, which is generally mild, can however lead to hospitalization, just like the flu. However, the Scientific Council warns about “ serious signals that raise fears of an early epidemic with a significant impact on the healthcare system. “In addition, the organization points out that pediatric services” still welcome many children and adolescents under child psychiatric care, due to a lack of available places in psychiatry. Experts also recall that for RSV, no vaccine or treatment exists. It is therefore important to act in prevention and to apply certain barrier gestures which are now well known, such as:
- regular hand washing of parents and children, especially before meals, to avoid ingesting germs and as soon as you get home;
- ventilate your home regularly;
- blow your nose regularly and cough into a disposable tissue;
- avoid polluted areas;
- avoid tobacco and do not expose your child to passive smoking.
What symptoms should I watch out for in children?
Bronchiolitis is a very contagious condition that spreads very quickly. It is a disease that returns every winter and infects around 500,000 children each year. The infection reaches the bronchioles (the small bronchi). Bronchiolitis is transmitted through secretions (postilions, sneezing, etc.), by contact (kissing) or through soiled hands or objects. Usually, the disease begins with a simple cold accompanied by a mild fever. Then comes a dry cough, then can appear a respiratory discomfort which manifests itself by wheezing and rapid breathing. The sick child may have difficulty eating meals or bottles. It is therefore important to monitor the infant and in case of doubts or concerns, to consult a doctor. Indeed, children up to the age of about two years, babies under two months and frail children require special attention, because in some cases, bronchiolitis may require hospitalization.