Participation in the organized breast cancer screening program is 51.1% for the period 2015-2016. A slight drop.
More than 5 million women screened
Public health France informs that participation in the organized breast cancer screening program is indeed 51.1% for the period 2015-2016. After a stabilization of participation around 52% between 2008 and 2014, these new data therefore show a slight decrease. It is observed for all age groups except 70-74 years. The Agency specifies, however, that it “will however have to be confirmed in the coming years”.
As a reminder, all the exams of this screening are covered within the framework of the third party payment (without advance of costs). “The program guarantees equal access to screening throughout the country and allows each woman to benefit from the same guarantee of quality and care”, underlines for its part the INCa.
Source: Public health France