We no longer present the burnout syndrome, commonly called burn out: according to a recent study, one in five employees would be affected by this form of exhaustion, which spares no one.
But now a new syndrome appears: bore out or professional exhaustion through boredom. The concept is not entirely new. It was described in 2010 in an article in the International journal of epidemiology in Oxford (Great Britain) entitled “Bored to death”. This article pointed out that people who are bored at work have three times the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Today, this new disease worries professionals in the prevention of risks at work because it tends to affect more and more people. Not only the working people who don’t have enough work, but also those who have to perform uninteresting tasks or for which they are overqualified. The bore out would be at the origin of many depressions, a significant fatigue, and a loss of self-esteem. But boredom can also, in the long run, reduce life expectancy. In any case, this is what British researchers claim, who have followed more than 7000 people for 25 years, and discovered that boredom doubles the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease.
While burnout is on the way recognized as an occupational disease, the bore out is just starting to get talked about. But both share the same warning signs: fatigue, anxiety, sleep disturbances, digestive problems, physical pain, deterioration in self-esteem. Signs not to be overlooked and about which you should not hesitate to talk to the occupational physician to find the means to get out of them.
Read also :
Burn out: the professions most at risk
Burn out: recognize it and heal it