The first edition of Menoblues – Handbook for menopausal women was published in 2009. More than ten years later, it turned out to be time for an update. The most important changes? Chapters on hormone therapy and on the relationship between menopause and absenteeism have been added to the fifth edition. The transition book is therefore completely up-to-date again.
Pauline Ottervanger and Wilma Smit
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Menoblues is a humorous and informative book about the journey women make during the menopause, written by two sober-minded gynecologists who are also experience experts. Suitable for all women and for partners who want to understand their women better.
The book clearly explains how the female body works and what happens during the menopause. Hot flashes, vaginal complaints, weight gain, mood swings. It is part of this period for many women and it is therefore all discussed. Fortunately, many of those dreaded typical and atypical menopausal symptoms can be treated and even prevented. Menoblues provides practical advice based on the latest information and insights. For example, how do you deal with menopausal complaints in the workplace? And what is the added value of hormone therapy?
The authors of Menoblues – Wilma Smit (1953) and Pauline Ottervanger (1954) – are well prepared. During their careers as a gynecologist at the Gemini Hospital in Den Helder and the Haga Hospital in The Hague, they have seen thousands of patients. In both hospitals they have set up a special consultation hour for women with menopausal complaints. They now devote themselves full-time to providing information on the subject.
“Women make their journey through the transition with different types of luggage and that partly determines how the journey will go and how it will be experienced. We are convinced that good preparation is vital and that during that journey you can at any time be prepared for a you can choose another route. It is essential that women keep control in their own hands.”
In the reissue of Menoblues you will not only find 101 practical tips and things worth knowing about the transition, but also the personal stories of famous Dutch and Flemish people, such as Pia Dijkstra, Willeke Alberti, Anne-Wil Blankers and Ans Markus. Wilma Smit and Pauline Ottervanger are also the transition books Menoproof (discontinued) and What every woman should know appeared.