Traditionally, the beginning of the year is always difficult in the collection sites of the French Blood Establishment (EFS), in particular because of seasonal epidemics and winter holidays, which are synonymous with a drop in attendance. But this year, and for the first time in its history, the EFS is facing a critical situation and it launches a “vital emergency bulletin”.
“70,000 bags of red blood cells are now in reserve when 100,000 are needed” warns the EFS, which invites donors to go to collection sites en masse to replenish stocks.
10,000 donations are needed every day
“Two years of permanent tension linked to the impacts generated by the Covid (cancellations of collections in companies and universities, lower mobilization of donors, difficulties in recruiting medical personnel) have considerably affected blood collection” underlines the French Establishment of the blood which also had to deal with the postponement of thousands of blood donations due to the Omicron wave which affected several million French people in a few weeks.
Reserves are therefore at their lowest while needs remain constant: 10,000 bags of blood are needed every day to deal with vital emergencies. The lifespan of blood products is short: 42 days for red blood cells and only 5 days for platelets. Plasma, which is frozen, can be kept for 1 year.
Group O negative donors are particularly sought after, as their red blood cells can be transfused to all patients. But donors of all groups are welcome. The objective is to increase the reserves by 30,000 pockets during the month of February.
When we announce to donors that we are 30,000 bags short. ▶️
– French Blood Establishment (@EFS_dondesang) February 8, 2022
Who can donate blood?
To donate blood, you must be between 18 and 70 years old and weigh more than 50 kg. After age 60, donation is subject to approval by an EFS collection physician. To donate plasma and platelets, you must be between 18 and 65 years old. A woman can make a donation 4 times a year, a man 6 times, respecting a period of at least 8 weeks between each. If in doubt, you can skip the online test “Am I eligible to donate blood?” ».
>> No need for a vaccination pass to donate blood.Since blood drives are neither places of leisure and culture, nor places bringing together vulnerable people, neither the health pass nor the vaccination pass are necessary to access them, including when the collection sites are located in an enclosure. hospital.
>> You can donate blood after vaccination. It is possible to donate blood immediately after vaccination against covid-19 (or against the flu or against tetanus). On the other hand, people who have shown symptoms of Covid-19 must wait 14 days after symptoms disappear to donate blood or 14 days after testing positive.
How is the collection carried out?
In concrete terms, between the pre-donation interview, collection, rest and snack time, the donor journey lasts between 30 and 45 minutes. But the act itself lasts between 8 to 10 minutes. Between 400 and 500 ml of blood are collected, depending on the blood volume of the donor.
>> Where to donate blood? All collection locations are available on the EFS website.
Read also :
- Infographic: the conditions for being able to donate blood
- Blood donation: relaxation of conditions for homosexual donors