Binge eating is characterized by episodes ofcompulsive overeating with ingestion of massive amounts of food in a very short time (less than two hours).
The difference with the bulimia ? The person who suffers from binge eating does not compensate with exercise, vomiting or dietary restriction to prevent weight gain. Result: this binge eating ultimately leads to more or less weight gain.
Binge eating: a loss of control over food
When binge eating, the affected person does not have the same feeling of discomfort as everyone else after a heavy meal. The patient can no longer control himself: he still eats even when satiety and the point of discomfort have passed. This disorder is thus accompanied by great emotional distress.
Jaclyn Saltzman and Janet M. Liechtenstein, authors of a study published in the journal Eating Behaviors, analyzed 15 research studies on binge eating spanning the past 35 years. They found that very few studies had been done over the past decade on children and binge eating in the family context.
Parents’ attitude to binge eating
They were thus able to note that many obese or overweight people suffer from this eating disorder. These episodes of overeating have already been reported in children under 12 and even in those aged 5.
In question, according to the work of researchers from the University of Illinois (United States): the attitude of parents. Indeed, children practicing binge eating would suffer the emotional absence and teasing of parents related to their weight in front of other family members.
The researchers also highlighted the fact that neither the weight, nor the education, nor the economic situation, or even the ethnic origin of the parents, were correlated with this. behavior disorder from childhood.
Parents can prevent the risk of binge eating
Jaclyn Saltzman explains that compulsive eating behaviors in childhood can lead to heavy weight gain and psychological disorders in adulthood.
“Intervening early to respond to binge eating can not only help prevent eating disorder, but also unhealthy lifestyles associated with being overweight,” she says.
According to scientists, it would be counterproductive and wrong to blame parents for their child’s behavior. Thus, the latter may be able to reduce the risk of food compulsion of their child by avoiding teasing, being more present and showing greater emotional availability.
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