The natural pigments in berries, also known as anthocyanins, are believed to increase the function of the enzyme sirtuin 6 in cancer cells. The regulation of this enzyme could open new avenues for the treatment of Cancer, according to results of a study published in the medical journal Scientific Report.
Sirtuins are enzymes (SIRT6) that regulate the expression of genes that control cell function. Aging causes changes in sirtuin function, and these changes contribute to the development of various diseases.
The berries get their red, blue or purple color thanks to their natural pigments, anthocyanins.
Researchers from the University of Eastern Finland designed a computer model that allowed them to predict how different flavonoid compounds in plants can regulate the SIRT6 enzyme.
Berries to develop anti-cancer treatments
The results of their research indicate that the anthocyanins in the berries increase the activation of the enzyme SIRT6, which may play a role in triggering cancer.
If the anthocyanins present in the berries can activate SIRT6 function, they could also reduce the expression of cancerous genes and the growth of cancer cells. As a result, researchers are working on new compounds targeting the regulation of this enzyme.
Cyanidin, present in wild blueberry, blackcurrant and bilberry, would increase the levels of SIRT6 enzyme in human colorectal cancer cells and decrease the expression of cancer genes Twist1 and GLUT1, while increasing the expression of the suppressor gene of FoXO3 tumors in cells.
“The most interesting results of our study concern cyanidin, which is an abundant anthocyanin in the wild blueberry, the Cassis and bilberry,” says Minna Rahnasto-Rilla, Ph.D., the lead author of the paper.
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