This is not the first time that the favorite cheese of children has been responsible for suffocation in a baby.
A two-and-a-half-year-old child, living in the town of Vilvoorde, on the Flemish side of Belgium, died last week. The cause: a wrong path caused by a piece of Babybel.
On the evening of September 2, the child’s parents gave their three boys to a babysitter, reports the Flemish media Niews. During the meal, the youngest of them swallowed a piece of cheese askew. It got stuck in the windpipe, preventing the child from breathing.
Too much brain damage
“The babysitter, who had received first aid training, did what he could, the parents admit. The SMUR managed to resuscitate our son. His heart started beating again during transport to the hospital ”.
But he was already too late. The baby’s brain had been deprived of oxygen for too long, and the damage was too severe. He was brain dead. After a few days, the parents decide to let him go.
“Last week, we made the decision to unplug the breathing apparatus,” explains the father. He could not have lived with dignity. My son died in my arms. We did everything to save him ”.
Foods not recommended
Parents do not condemn either their babysitter or the manufacturer of the Babybel. This is not the first such incident, however. In 2015 and 2016, two 18-month-old and two-year-old babies had already died under the same circumstances. The mother, in the know, was taking precautions. “I had read these stories in the press,” she says. I was also careful that he eats small pieces. But it still happened… ”
At this age, and even up to about 5 years old, not all foods are good for children. Just because they have teeth doesn’t mean they can eat everything. Stringy foods, which stick to the palate, round, smooth, or certain specific foods such as nuts, hard candy, or fish with bones represent a danger. At 2 years old, it might still be a bit early for the Babybel.
The managing director of Bel cheese factories, Frédéric Dufour, said the brand is committed to putting a warning message on its products.