Researchers have identified the physical and psychosocial factors that increase the risk of suffering from back pain.
Back pain is not inevitable. It would even be enough to erase certain lifestyle habits to get rid of them, according to a study published in Arthritis Care & Research, the journal of the American College of Rheumatology.
The authors of this study looked at the physical and psychosocial factors associated with low back pain – a disease that affects nearly 10% of the world population, according to the WHO (World Health Organization), more than malaria. , diabetes or even lung cancer.
>> Consult our sheet on low back pain
Nearly a thousand people suffering from localized pain in the lower back were questioned about their lifestyle, their behavior and their daily actions. By gathering this data, the researchers identified several factors that increase the risk of suffering from low back pain.
Carrying animals, sexual activity …
Thus, manual tasks that require awkward body positions seem particularly risky for the back. They would increase the risk of lumbar region by eight. Among these tasks, the fact of carrying heavy objects, or of handling living beings (for physiotherapists or veterinarians, for example), is singled out. Falls, slips or trips can also cause severe back pain.
Sedentary lifestyle is often criticized for its consequences on health. But too much mobility seems just as harmful – for the back, at least. Indeed, intense physical activity would increase the risk of low back pain, according to the study.
Sexual activity, moderate or vigorous, is also singled out. For those who, despite everything, would like to persevere, the University of Waterloo in Canada has published a Kâma-Sutra for low back pain, which describes the sexual positions best suited to back pain.
The misstep of the dizzy
The study authors identified other risk factors. Among them, alcohol consumption, or fatigue, which would generate back pain. In the study group, many people also complained of low back pain after engaging in an activity they had their minds on elsewhere.
Indeed, the distraction seems to bring its share of lumbar pain. It would thus be responsible for many false movements. It is even one of the most significant factors of the study.