Vicia Faba is a plant full of resources. It not only contains a very complete palette of trace elements such as vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, carotenoids, polyphenols, but above all it is very rich in NATURAL L-DOPA, the precursor of the “happiness” molecule, the dopamine.
Did you know that a lack of dopamine can cause a multitude of problems such as stiffness, tremors, lack of strength in the arms and legs, slowness in movement, problems with balance, speech or fine motor skills or even Parkinson’s disease in severe cases?
In addition to these motor problems, a dopaminergic deficit risks affecting our mind and our emotions by causing chronic fatigue, stress, memory and concentration problems, burnout, depression or even a decrease in desire and low libido.
A positive impact on brain activity
People with a lack of energy or burnout generally have brain activity that shifts towards theta waves (very slow, associated with drowsiness, they are involved in the state of sleep or semi-sleep). The brain thus shows fatigue and struggles to move towards more dynamic brain waves such as alpha waves.
In a recent clinical study with people who showed a predominance of very slow theta waves, the results obtained were very explicit: just 1 hour after taking 5g of AtremoPlus, a marked decrease in theta brain waves could be observed with, on the contrary, a clear increase in Alpha waves (in the middle of the spectrum of brain waves, they characterize the calm state of wakefulness, we are relaxed but alert, our creativity and ability to memorize and learn are boosted).

Fig. : Brain mapping of 2 people before (left) and 1h after (right) administration of AtremoPlus (5g) showing a marked reduction in slow theta wave activity in the central regions.
Moreover, many users of the AtremoPlus product testify to being more alert, more dynamic, more positive, more concentrated with a better memory, more enduring or even more mobile.
Polyphenols, these complex molecules that allow the plant world to defend itself against attacks.
It is interesting to note that AtremoPlus contains polyphenols. These help NATURAL L-DOPA cross the brain barrier by slowing down its transformation into dopamine. It is true that L-DOPA is especially useful in the brain and polyphenols thus promote its excellent metabolism and utilization.
A 100% natural and standardized L-DOPA, easy to dose.
A multitude of varieties of Vicia Faba have been tested for their properties and in particular their natural content of L-DOPA during the development process of AtremoPlus. The variety of Vicia Faba finally selected not only contains the most complete concentration of trace elements, but is above all distinguished by a highest concentration of L-DOPA.
Dietary supplements are often criticized for being difficult to dose due to variations in the concentration of their active ingredients. This is even more problematic for L-DOPA, because many people find themselves in situations that absolutely require a safe dosage and daily use or cure.
It is reassuring to know that AtremoPlus is in the category of food supplements whose concentration of the active ingredient, in this case L-DOPA, is stable because normalized to 21.5mg/g of L-Dopa. Combined with the measuring spoon, the dosage is thus reliable and easy.
A clinically tested and very well tolerated L-DOPA from Vicia Faba
VICIA FABA has been present in our food for hundreds of years. Its origins even date back to antiquity. This is certainly one of the reasons why this plant is so well tolerated by the body. It is interesting to include it in the diet in case of dopamine deficiency, but it would be necessary to eat large quantities of it to have the same concentrations of natural L-DOPA as the dietary supplement. AtremoMore. On a daily basis our digestive system would hardly support it.
By mixing the powder in a food such as yogurt (even vegetable) or fruit compote, we benefit from the high concentrations of natural L-dopa, while combining good digestion and swallowing (which is not always the case with regular intake of capsules or tablets). To vary the ideas, the AtremoPlus team even offers easy recipes and fast.
Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant to complement the action of AtremoPlus
The food supplement contains the recommended daily dose of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) of origin 100% natural and vegetable.
Indeed, considering the scientific literature, the European Commission authorized to attribute to the Vitamin E an antioxidant function, promoting cell protection against oxidative stress damage. Oxidative stress is one of the main causes of aging and degeneration of our body.
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