Some models of inhalers pollute more than others. Replacing them with greener alternatives could prevent the emission of 150 to 400 kilos of carbon dioxide per person per year.
Asthma pollutes! According to a study published in the British Medical Journal, some inhalers release large amounts of carbon dioxide. To save the planet, we should favor dry powder inhalers, rather than metered dose ones.
58,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases in one year
Seven out of ten inhalers of those prescribed in the UK work with a metered dose system. When used, they release hydrofluoroalkane, a greenhouse gas. Dry powder inhalers have a 10 to 37 times lower carbon footprint. If 10% of metered dose inhalers were replaced by this alternative, it would avoid the production of 58,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases per year. “If you use one of these inhalers every month, it could be several hundred pounds of carbon dioxide produced by the end of the year,” research director Alex Wilkinson told AFP. BBC. According to their results, changing inhalers can prevent the production of 150 to 400 kilos of greenhouse gases in one year, by way of comparison, this level of reduction corresponds to the transition to a meatless diet.
Use your inhaler correctly
The researchers recommend switching to greener alternatives when possible and only with the help of a healthcare professional. Changing inhalers requires learning new techniques of use, which only a doctor or nurse can teach. For those who can’t switch to a greener method, Alex Wilkinson suggests a few new habits. “Patients need to be sure they know how many doses are in their inhaler so they don’t waste anything, he explains. Once it’s finished, it’s important to dispose of it properly because there’s still gas left greenhouse inside.” The ideal is to bring them back to a pharmacy.