I have been trying to lose weight for a while and lost 9 kilos thanks to good guidance. However, since February I have had an inflammation in my shoulder. I have been taking ibuprofen for this for quite some time now and I have gained 5 kilograms again. My question is, is this due to the meds? Can I also slow down inflammation with food?
Dear Sandra,
As far as I know one can painkiller or anti-inflammatory drugs do not cause weight gain. A doctor or medical specialist may be able to provide a better answer. Perhaps you are now more limited in your movements due to the pain in your shoulder, and therefore less active. As a result, you use less energy and you have a better chance of gaining weight again. A dietitian can look closely at your diet and help you lose weight and / or maintain a desired weight.
In general, a healthy and varied diet the most important for the health of your body. A healthy body is best able to fight inflammation. In addition, there are indications that oily fish (salmon, mackerel, herring) can help against inflammation. The advice is to at least once a week Fatty fish to eat.
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