A gloomy ambient climate, a chaotic professional or personal situation, confinement in an apartment that is too cramped or far from one’s family… all these moments of “life in the time of covid-19” have something to unbalance us. We then forget the words tranquility, good humor and enthusiasm to replace them with anxiety, anguish, fear, panic, stress, worry.
In his last press briefing on November 17, the Director General of Health Jérôme Salomon recalled that the number of people who suffer from anxiety or depression doubled between the end of September and the beginning of November. “This epidemic is stressful, anxiety-provoking and can cause psychological suffering for many of us.” In order to avoid letting anxiety and a depressive feeling invade us, Jérôme Salomon advises not to hesitate to talk about his problems, to organize himself by punctuating his days, to limit his consumption of alcohol and tobacco and take care of their health.
In order not to give in to depression during this second confinement, essential oils (EO) can also provide us with their support thanks, in particular, to their powerful olfactory properties.
Read also :
- Spray and diffusers of essential oils: they can be dangerous for children
- 6 ways to use essential oils
- No, essential oils are not effective against coronavirus
- The top 10 most essential oils