October 13, 2016.
We have known for a long time that if you were angry, you could have a heart attack. Likewise, athletes who, after an intense effort, have a heart attack, this is not new.
Anger a major trigger for heart attack
On the other hand, according to a study carried out by Mc Master University in Canada, the two conjugates considerably amplify the risk of having a heart attack. By analyzing the data of more than 12,000 victims of a heart attack, data collected in some fifty countries, Canadian researchers have indeed detected that 14% of the victims had played a violent sport just before their heart failed.
But, surprisingly, they also discovered that the same proportion of heart attack victims had been greatly upset just before!
Anger and intense sport, a fatal cocktail
Conclusion of the researchers: stress, and the anger that accompanies it, or intense sport, are many triggers of heart attack. But cumulatively, they multiply by three the risk of having a heart attack!
They therefore recommend to those who undergo stressful episodes or are angry, and who have found a way to play sports to evacuate it, not to push too hard. If sport is indeed an excellent way to relieve stress, and if regular sport practice is good for the heart, intense sport combined with anger, it is quite the opposite …
Read also: Cholesterol and heart attack: should we be afraid?