All your insurance policies can be consulted and managed online in one place: how handy would that be! Such a website is now available at the initiative of the Dutch Association of Insurers: Mijnverzekeringenopeenrij.nl. Always and everywhere online at hand.
Although many people still keep their policies in a folder, we are increasingly managing our insurance package online. However, there was not yet a handy all-in-one website for that. Every insurer has its own website and if you no longer know where which insurance policy runs, it can take some searching. And that’s not nice if you need that policy quickly.
What exactly is Mijnverzekeringenopeenrij.nl?
On the website Mijnverzekeringenopeenrij.nl create your own online overview of all your insurance policies. This way you always and everywhere have insight into which insurers you are insured for. The insurers ensure that the information about your insurance is always up to date. And if your contact details change, you can notify all your insurers at once via Mijnverzekeringenopeenrij.nl.
What’s the benefit of Mijnverzekeringenopeenrij.nl?
The website is intended to provide you with quick and easy insight into your total insurance package. In addition, most insurers have made it possible to Mijnverzekeringenopeenrij.nl report a claim, change insurance or upload files. You can also print or email a PDF file of your policy overview via Mijnverzekeringenopeenrij.nl. And it is possible to manage someone else’s insurance through an authorization. You cannot go to Mijnverzekeringenopeenrij.nl to take out or compare premiums.
Can I authorize someone to manage my package via Mijnverzekeringenopeenrij.nl?
Yes, that’s possible. For example, if you manage your parents’ insurance policies, you can now also do this via Mijnverzekeringenopeenrij.nl.
Who is behind Mijnverzekeringenopeenrij.nl?
The website was created on the initiative of the Association of Insurers, the umbrella organization of insurers. Almost all insurers in the Netherlands are affiliated with this organization and participate in Mijnverzekeringenopeenrij.nl. The website is not for profit.
Is Mijnverzekeringenopeenrij.nl safe?
To use Mijnverzekeringenopeenrij.nl you must register and identify online. The (one-time) online identification is an extra security, so that the insurer whose insurance you want to add to your personal overview can see that you really are who you say you are. Online identification is done via iDIN or iDEAL. iDIN is an online identification service of ABN AMRO, ING, Rabobank, SNS, ASN Bank, RegioBank and Triodos Bank. When you identify yourself with iDIN, you do not transfer any money. Do you identify with iDEAL, then it costs 1 euro cent – Mijnverzekeringenopeenrij.nl transfers this directly to War Child.
Who else can view my insurance overview?
You – and possibly an authorized representative – are the only ones who can view and manage your insurance overview. Insurance companies or intermediaries cannot view your data. Only your own insurer(s) can view the insurance(s) you have with them.
Handy, such an online overview! But what will that cost me?
Nothing, says the Dutch Association of Insurers. The costs are borne by the participating insurers.
I find it interesting, but want to know more first. Where can I find information?
Mijnverzekeringenopeenrij.nl has made a question-and-answer overview: Answer to Questions. And do you want to know more about insurance and what you actually get for your insurance premiums? Then read this month’s Plus Magazine! In it you will find the Dossier: What exactly am I insured for?