They promise to boost memory and concentration. But what are the food supplements intended to improve our performance and stop cognitive decline? As part of a special issue dedicated to the brain, 60 million consumers looked at these products and unveils its results this Thursday March 7. “Verdict? Many of them are unnecessary, even dangerous ”, concludes the magazine. Additives, supplements, interactions … The supplements studied do not always have harmless compositions and consequences, reveals the survey.
Addition of additives
First of all, 60 million consumers detected the presence of additives in two brands of baby milk and eight food supplements intended for children, adolescents, adults and the elderly. For example, the Biane Enfant product from the Pileje laboratory has been enriched, “Probably to mask the taste of fish which is used here to provide omega-3 (EPA and DHA, editor’s note)”, notes the review.
From Omega 3 “Essential for good brain development”, but whose needs can be met by a balanced diet, ensures the review. They are found, for example, in oily fish, vegetable oils or dried fruits.
But the editorial staff particularly warns of the addition of vitamin D. If she mentions its importance for the growth and development of the youngest, she warns: under-bulbs often prescribed during winter periods, to compensate for the lack of sunshine in particular. Supplementation through supplements can thus induce “Potentially dangerous hypervitaminosis”, or an overdose that can cause nausea, constipation, frequent urge to urinate, fatigue, weight loss … In addition, some additives have a laxative effect.
Food, ally of the brain
60 million consumers has also analyzed the add-ins playing on “Claims promising to strengthen memory and improve cognitive functions”, such as Cognisciences from the Santé Verte laboratories or Ginkor Memo from the Tonipharm laboratories. According to the magazine, these “plant cocktails” have not proven their effectiveness. Even more serious, some contain ginkgo biloba, a plant that promotes good blood circulation and that may interact with treatments anti coagulants. “Caution is required. “
Finally, the review draws attention to too much fructose or salt in the products, as well as on the caffeinethat some contain. Students use the latter in particular to improve their abilities, because the molecule “Stimulates vigilance and masks the desire to sleep”, she notes. But she also recalls that she can prevent “The proper functioning of the memorization process” and train “Headache, anxiety, nausea and heart rhythm disturbances”in case of overdose.
The magazine finally concludes that nothing beats a healthy and balanced diet to optimize its performance and develop a healthy brain.
Read also :
- Food supplements: watch out for side effects
- Food supplements: really useful or … dangerous?