It’s a reality: confinement has led to an increase in addictions. If 65% of regular drinkers say that their alcohol consumption has “remained stable” during confinement and that 24% have even managed to reduce it, on the other hand, 11% of regular alcohol drinkers believe that their consumption has “progressed” during the period of confinement, according to Public Health France. Among the latter, more than half consumed alcohol more often during the week, 10% increased the number of drinks … and 23% accumulated (frequency and quantity). Santé Publique France, explains that this particularly affected the under 50s, city dwellers and parents. Unsurprisingly, “boredom, lack of activity, stress and pleasure are the main reasons mentioned by alcohol users who have increased their consumption”, notes Viêt Nguyen Thanh, head of the addictions unit at the management. prevention and health promotion at Public Health France.
1-By drinking too much, we do not risk cirrhosis
“We have communicated a lot on the harmful effects of tobacco, but ultimately very little on those of alcohol,” notes Professor Naassila, president of the French Society of Alcoholics and director of the Inserm Unit UMR 1 247, research group on alcohol and drug dependence (University of Picardy). However, all alcohol consumption involves a health risk. ” Just as tobacco is bad with every cigarette smoked, every drink you drink has an impact on our health. let’s remember that alcohol is the leading cause of hospitalization in France (Weekly epidemiological bulletin of 2015, Sante publique France) and we are not talking about alcohol-dependent people here. Alcohol is in fact involved in a large number of pathologies such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or certain cancers. 17% of breast cancers are due to excessive alcohol consumption, for example. Alcohol also has an effect on our appearance and our lifestyle: weight gain (a glass of alcohol is equivalent to 3 lumps of sugar on average!), Less restful sleep, wrinkled face …
2- Consumption benchmarks have changed since 2017
Public health France defined in 2017 new benchmarks so that everyone can know where they are with their consumption: no more than 10 drinks of alcohol per week, with 2 alcohol-free days (or two times less than the previous benchmarks). “These benchmarks have been defined relative to the acceptable risk of mortality attributable to alcohol, specifies Professor Naassila. If we are below these benchmarks, it means that we are at lower risk of dying from a pathology. attributable to alcohol. ” We also consider that 6 drinks drunk on a single occasion (4 for women) are a criterion of harmfulness, this is what we call heavy occasional alcoholism.
3-Two alcohol-free days per week, regardless of its consumption
It is as bad to drink every day, without taking a break, as it is to concentrate the same amount over a night. These two days are also essential for two reasons: first to realize that we can do without alcohol. If you can’t get past it, it’s an alert to take into account. Then, to put the body at rest. “It must be remembered that alcohol is a poison, explains Professor Naassila. And even if it is eliminated, it disrupts hepatic metabolism and tires the liver. Regular alcohol consumption promotes steatosis, it is an accumulation of fat in the liver (we also speak of fatty liver) which can degenerate into fibrosis, even cirrhosis and cancer of the liver. “
4-Women increasingly affected by overconsumption
“The consumption of women today, especially up to 40 or 45 years, is completely uninhibited, notes Dr. Karila, psychiatrist and addictologist, author of” Alcoholism in the feminine “(ed. Leduc.s,). is part of everyday habits, not to mention excessive consumption or addictive consumption. ” Between afterworks, well-watered evenings and a daily drink to unwind after a busy day, women today drink more than their grandmothers. The catch? Between (too) regular consumption and overconsumption, there is often only one step. “It is estimated that there are 1 million to 1 and a half million French women for whom alcohol consumption can pose a problem”, further notes the specialist. What is all the more annoying is that women are generally slow to seek care.
5-Excessive consumption can quickly (and easily) set in
There is excessive consumption when you drink more than expected. If we follow the recommendations of Public Health France, we minimize the risk of alcohol-related problems, but this does not prevent a slide towards overconsumption. What signs should alert? “There are many, says Dr. Karila, but we really have to ask ourselves whether we feel that we drink too much, that we drink in secret or alone, that we drink more than others in a event, that we need a drink to reassure ourselves, etc. ” The impacts on quality of life (disturbed sleep, fatigue, difficulties at work, etc.) are also factors to be taken into account, as is the role of those around them. If we have ever been criticized or made comments about our consumption, it is because it is excessive.
6-Abstinence for a month is very beneficial!
“The effects of abstinence for a month (as during the Dry January) are astonishing, observes Professor Naassila. Several English studies have shown that 6 months after one month of abstinence, there was a marked decrease in the consumption of alcohol and the number of drunkenness episodes. Better still, those who have not managed to stay completely sober also see their consumption decrease at 6 months. ” Conclusion? Simply reducing your consumption already has significant positive effects. In addition, “with the Dry January, we are part of communication, positive reinforcement since the registrants discuss the benefits of daily abstinence that they themselves have experienced.” Going green for a month allows you to experience – without taboos – your relationship with alcohol. “Those who follow the Dry January indicate that they then find it easier to refuse alcohol. It’s a feeling that increases self-confidence. “
7-The 5 C method, effective in identifying alcohol dependence
Not easy to identify an addiction to alcohol. Also, Dr. Karila advises to rely on the “5 C” method to judge whether one has gone from overconsumption to alcohol dependence. If we find these 5 C regularly over 12 months, we are in an addictive process, it is imperative to get help:
- Loss of VSoncheck
- Consumption VSompulsive
- Consumption VSontinue
- VShealth consequences
- VSraving, or irresistible urge to drink