Dermatologists are alarmed by the increase in cases of allergy to preservatives present in everyday products. Babies are the most affected.
It is to believe that France is deaf. For years, learned societies have constantly alerted the authorities to the presence of allergens in everyday consumer products – cosmetics, shower gels, dishwashing liquid, paints, coatings… Nothing helps.
Dermatitis and eczema
“Despite the alerts from experts and European directives aimed at prohibiting or reducing their use and concentration, certain allergens are still present in many products in common use”, writes the French Society of Dermatology (SFD) in a press release. .
Worse: not only have these allergens not disappeared from these products, but in addition, the number of people who are allergic to them has continued to increase in recent months, according to the SFD …
One of the main culprits: MIT, for methylisothiazolinone. A ubiquitous allergen with a very complicated name, for very simple symptoms: dermatitis (skin inflammation), eczema on the hands, face and buttocks. MIT is used for its preservative qualities, replacing parabens – endocrine disruptors with recognized harmfulness, but most of which are still circulating.
Babies on the front line
The first victims of this conservative are babies. According to the SFD, their thin skin makes them more sensitive to these attacks. “Often, parents use wipes to clean baby seats, without rinsing them with water afterwards. With diapers, there is an occlusion effect that retains moisture and promotes the penetration of these products ”. But babies aren’t the only victims of allergens, which are found absolutely everywhere.
>> Consult our fact sheet on infant eczema
There are many recommendations. Europe has therefore advocated abolishing IMT certain products (cosmetics), and lowering the thresholds to 15 ppm for rinsed products. However, the French state does not seem decided to legislate. And this is not for lack of warning … Even manufacturers are beginning to realize the allergenic nature of this preservative, according to 60 million Consumers, who has drawn up a precise list of products that contain it.
“There is indeed an awareness; but it is not followed by any decree of application. Nothing moves… we regret, at the SFD. The precautionary principle is that we remove IMT from baby products. But it is a question of not replacing it with another agent, also toxic! If we remove it, we will have to remain vigilant ”.