On the occasion of World AIDS Day, a new campaign is launched for young people, who use condoms less and less.
More than two million adolescents aged 10 to 19 are living with HIV according to theWorld Health Organization (WHO). In France, there are around 1,500. However, there is a simple way to protect yourself from them, recalls theInstitute for Prevention and Health Education (INPES): the condom. On the occasion of World AIDS Day, this 1er December, the Institute launches a new campaign aimed primarily at young people.
Less safe sex
“HIV, chlamydia, syphilis… The best defense is the condom. Simple and clear, the INPES slogan recalls the importance of the condom in the fight against HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). While this may seem obvious, it is less and less the case for adolescents. STIs are very largely unknown. The progress of antiretroviral treatment has meanwhile reduced the fear of contamination in this population. Consequence: the condom no longer seems essential to protect yourself.
In young people, condom use is important when having sex for the first time. But the reports that follow are much less protected. A third of those under 30 say their last intercourse was protected. In 2004, they were 50% to affirm it. Condom use is declining, although it is the age group that most often reports having changed partners in the past 12 months. And it is not a recent HIV test that explains this decision.
A doubt about the effectiveness
Six out of ten young people judge the condom “quite effective” in 2013. It is much less than in 1992. The INPES hammers it: the condom is useful against all the STIs and the HIV, and everyone is concerned . “HIV and STIs potentially affect everyone, even if certain categories of populations are more exposed to the risk, such as young people, migrants, male homosexuals or even inhabitants of the Antilles and Guyana,” specifies the director. General of the Institute, Thanh Le-Luong. “If everyone has different reasons to be concerned, the condom remains the solution common to all to avoid being contaminated. “
From this December 2, the campaign will be on all fronts: public transport, bars, public places, general public media and internet banners. Inpes is also launching a website for young people, www.onsexprime.fr, as well as a Facebook page and an Youtube channel which will offer a PuceauX web-series.