According to the latest results of the Public Health France barometer published this Wednesday, May 26, 2021, the number of smokers has stopped falling in 2020 in France. The figures are even on the rise among people with the lowest incomes.
25.5% of daily smokers in France in 2020
Each year, Public Health France estimates the prevalence of smoking and its evolution compared to previous years. According to its latest report published this Wednesday, May 26, 2021, the barometer indicates that after a drop in smoking in mainland France by 1.9 million fewer daily smokers between 2014 and 2019, the prevalence stabilizes in 2020, with 25.5 % of daily smokers.
More specifically, more than three adults aged 18-75 in ten (31.8%) reported smoking and one in four adults (25.5%) who reported smoking daily in 2020, with no significant variation compared to 2019. By comparison, the proportion of smokers fell from 34.5% to 30.4% between 2016 and 2019, and that of daily smokers fell from 29.4% to 24%.
Has the Covid-19 health crisis had an impact?
Figures from the Public Health France barometer suggest that after years of decline, the number of smokers is on the rise again in mainland France. However, Public Health France qualifies the 2020 figures as stabilizing, explaining that “ the variations in the prevalence of smoking and daily smoking compared to 2019 are generally not significant “.
As for the consequences of the health crisis linked to Covid-19, Santé Publique France affirms that the economic and social restrictions “ do not seem to have had an unfavorable impact “. And for good reason, it was not until the beginning of 2020, between January and March, that the increase was observed before returning to stabilization after the first confinement. In detail, among those surveyed from January to mid-March 2020, 32.7% said they were smokers against 30.5% of those surveyed in June and July 2020.
An increase in smoking among the lowest-income third of the population
If Public Health France qualifies the figures for 2020 as stabilizing, it still notes that the prevalence of daily smoking has increased significantly among the third of the population with the lowest incomes. The latter having increased from 30% in 2019 to 33% in 2020. An observation that reminds us that social inequalities remain very marked. According to the agency, “ among the less privileged populations, cigarettes could be used to manage stress or to overcome daily difficulties, despite the increasing cost of this product “.
Therefore, in order to achieve the objective of the health authorities of a ” first tobacco-free generation by 2030 “, Public Health France invites” reinstall a downtrend “And” further strengthen the fight among the populations most vulnerable to smoking “, To take into account social inequalities” very marked “.