“What is a sexually transmitted infection (STI)?”, “What are the risks of using cannabis?”, “Who to talk to when you feel depressed?” are among the questions to which the site provides an answer.
“Inform you”, “Talk about it”, “Download the doc”, and “Videos on the subject”. The site is divided into four reference sections.
“Inform you” indicates the references of thematic information sites developed by Inpes, such as Mangerbouger.fr for sports and nutrition for example.
“Talking about it” lists telephone lines, addresses of sites and forums to exchange with health professionals, or share their experience, such as health threads for young people.
The “Downloadable documentation” section offers Inpes information media, such as brochures and leaflets, which can be downloaded free of charge.
Finally, the section “Videos on the subject” groups together the prevention campaigns of Inpes since 2007.
Source: www.portailsantejeunes.com