October 26, 2007 – When an escalator is adjacent to a staircase that must be climbed on foot, the majority of people opt for the easy … double the number of those who take action!
Studies have already shown that the installation of posters can promote the use of traditional stairs in public places. But British researchers wanted to verify which combination of locations and messages would optimize physical rather than mechanical ascent.
According to them, horizontal posters, installed on the risers, ensure good visibility before people make the decision to walk up the stairs or not.
And there is no need to multiply the messages, according to the researchers: Posters with just one message “Stay in shape: Walk up the stairs” performed as well as posting eight different messages.
As a result, before the posters were installed, 7% of people walked up to 14% after the single message banners were installed. This is even slightly better than the 13.6% obtained with multiple message posters.
Is it guilt that makes pedestrians move like this? “It’s more of a reminder of the benefits of physical activity,” said lead author Oliver J. Webb. He saw 32,597 people parade during the six weeks that the experiment lasted in a shopping center.
Martin LaSalle – PasseportSanté.net