Monday 23 September 2019
France is currently facing a growing shortage of doctors in rural areas. A worrying situation to which solutions must be found quickly.
A growing shortage of doctors
In France, and especially in the countryside, getting treatment and getting an appointment with a doctor can become a real obstacle course. Some areas are medical deserts. A report produced by our colleagues from France Television took stock of the situation on September 22, 2019.
” Between 2010 and 2018, France lost almost 6,500 GPs, according to the Order of Physicians, it will be another 6,000 less by 2025 »Reveals the investigation. An alarming finding that affects rural areas in particular. This situation is explained, among other things, by retirements and the shortage of young doctors who, for various reasons (hardship linked to travel, “elastic” hours, etc.), do not wish to practice in the countryside.
Teleconsultations, a solution?
A worrying situation which forces some mayors to take the bull by the horns. Thus, in April 2019, André Jean, the mayor of Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois, a small town in Loiret with 1,100 inhabitants, published a decree prohibiting residents from falling ill. A way ofwarn about the shortage of doctors facing rural areas in France.
To improve this situation, ” the minister of Health Agnès Buzyn launched several measures two years ago : assistants to free up medical time, the end of the numerus clausus or even teleconsultations »Say our colleagues from France Television.
Perrine Deurot-Bien
Read also : How often should you go see your doctor?