In times of corona, caution is required during Christmas dinner, which is why the cabinet calls on you to invite a maximum of three guests (at Christmas) and to keep one and a half meters away. What else should we pay attention to? For example, can you infect each other through cutlery, glasses or crockery? PlusOnline figured it out.
Glasses, cutlery, crockery
Unfortunately true: contamination by a bacteria or virus via surfaces such as glasses, cutlery and crockery is possible. The chances of that happening are quite small if you keeps the corona measures. Firstly, this is because people who have complaints have to stay at home. It is possible that someone has no complaints yet and is infected with the corona virus. At that moment you can also be contagious, bFor example, if you scream and small droplets of virus come out of your nose and mouth into the air. This can also happen through sneezing and coughing.
Therefore, as a precaution, only use your own cutlery, crockery and glass. Serve snacks on personal dishes. This also makes it easier to keep one and a half meters away from people who are not your roommates. Practice extra good hand hygiene when serving food. For example, put down a bottle of hand alcohol.
Do you have to wash cutlery and plates between courses? Do that with washing-up liquid, because just rinsing with water is not enough. Place the dishes in a sink with water and detergent and brush the inside and outside with a washing-up brush for 15 seconds. Or put it in the dishwasher.
Other measures
You also reduce the risk of contamination during a Christmas dinner by taking the following measures:
- Also keep one and a half meters away at the table.
- Stay at home with complaints.
- Wash your hands often
- 20 seconds with soap and water, then dry hands thoroughly.
- Before you go out, when you come home, after you blow your nose, and of course before eating and after going to the bathroom.
- Cough and sneeze into the inside of your elbow.
- Use paper tissues to blow your nose and then throw them away.
- Wash your hands afterwards.
- Don’t shake hands.
Source: RIVM