In Peru, a baby was born infected with Covid-19. A birth which proves that one can be contaminated in utero.
- A second baby has just been born, this time in Peru, being positive for SARS-CoV-2
- Peruvian doctors say the child was infected by his sick mother through the placenta
A child in Peru was born with Covid-19, which his mother carried. “This is the first case nationally and the second worldwide of a baby born with Covid-19”, said doctor Alvaro Bardalez to the Canal N television channel. The child, who arrived in the world on Wednesday April 15 in a hospital in the San Martin region, was placed in isolation with his mother. “Both mother and baby are in stable condition.Alvaro Bardalez told RPP radio.
Contamination via the placenta
The mother of the newborn was a carrier of Covid-19, without showing any symptoms. The child wascontaminated by his mother through the placenta”, added in a press release the Peruvian Social Security organization which administers more than 400 medical establishments in Peru. However, it has not yet been established that contamination in utero is always possible. For its part, the World Health Organization (WHO) has admitted that it has no data on the transmission of the virus to the fetus during pregnancy or during childbirth. “To date, the presence of the virus has not been found in samples of amniotic fluid or breast milk.continues the WHO.
In Peru, the coronavirus has caused the death of more than 250 people, according to the latest estimates, and 11,500 people have tested positive. The pandemic officially arrived in the territory on March 6.
Researchers at first dubious
Researchers were previously undecided about the possibility of transmitting the virus in utero. A study published at the end of March in the journal Jama Pediatrics suggested it was possible. This study focused on three Chinese babies, who tested positive a few hours after their birth, potentially contaminated in utero. However, this study was deemed inconclusive by many experts. Confirmation of contamination in utero confirms that it is possible for a mother to transmit the virus to the fetus.