A challenge for health
If it exists in Australia since 2003, the Movember celebrates its fourth anniversary in France. The Mo Brothers register on Movember.com and grow their mustaches throughout the month of November while seeking support and collecting donations. These “mustache men” are also involved in motivating their friends and colleagues to participate in the event, to create “mustache events” but above all to make noise to rally numerous supports and financial donations.
Women can participate too
Women can also participate in this solidarity movement! You don’t need your mustache but rather your motivation and support! The Mo Sistas can promote the movement, support all of their favorite Mo Bro and register on the site to make appeals for donations …
The association is also launching the “Move challenge” which consists of walking or practicing 30 minutes of physical exercise every day. For a good cause, athletes are also invited to share their initiatives and to involve families and friends to achieve the objectives set.
Donations invested in research
Donations are then used to fund research and awareness of male cancers. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in France. 40,000 new cases of this cancer are detected every year, which is the equivalent of more than 100 per day, and a man dies every hour of prostate cancer in France.
Testicular cancer is the second most common cancer, after skin cancer, in young men aged 18 to 39. But it’s a type of cancer that has a very good 95% remission rate if it’s caught and treated in time. This is why it is important to sensitize men to be detected.
Read also:
Prostate: the signs that should alert
Orgasm Reduces Risk of Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer: there would be 5 different