Rules are natural. Not the pain. This slogan bars the posters of the Info endométriose association, which will be posted in all middle and high schools from the start of the next school year. The Ministry of National Education and the Info endometriosis association have just signed a partnership agreement in order to make young girls aware of this disease and to train nurses and educational staff as a whole.
“The school has an important role to play in making young people aware of this disease which is little talked about because it touches the intimate”, explains gynecologist Chrysoula Zacharopoulou in Parisian.
The objective of this information campaign is to bring out the girls who suffer from painful periods of their isolation.
Because endometriosis, which affects one in 10 women, remains a disease taboo and unrecognized. “First of all because it is anchored in mentalities that it is normal to have pain during your period”, explains Dr Isabella Chanavaz-Lacheray, obstetrician-gynecologist at Rouen University Hospital. Secondly, because the lesions are not immediately visible on the ultrasound. This is why, on average, 7 long years pass between the appearance of the first symptoms and the moment of diagnosis.
Read also :
Endometriosis: how is the diagnosis made?
Testimonials: they won their fight against endometriosis