Decidedly, the standoff between the government and the liberal doctors does not seem over, even after the adoption of the generalized third-party payment by the National Assembly.
Two of the main unions of liberal practitioners announced Wednesday, July 1 that they will not take part in the major health conference presented by Prime Minister Manuel Valls, scheduled for January 2016.
The Federation of Doctors of France (FMF) did not even want to attend the preparatory meeting for this major conference, organized this Wednesday, July 1 in Matignon. ” The project of health law was written without doctors and against doctors ”justifies the head of the FMFJean-Paul Hamon, quoted by Le Figaro.
In a press release, the Confederation of Liberal Doctors Unions (CSMF) denounces a “masquerade”. After the meeting in Matignon, the first union of liberal practitioners announced that it refused “to participate in this great ” health conference ” as long as we have a government that does not respect doctors and patients, since this conference of health will be held after the final vote on the health law ”.
“We are meeting a government that is deaf to everything we have said, and whose only response is a major health conference for which it is difficult to see what it will be used for. So the CSMF will not participate and we told the Prime Minister, ”declared union president Jean-Paul Ortiz.
And the refusal of this health conference may well create a snowball effect. This Thursday, July 2, the liberal medicine union (SML) also announced that it would boycott the conference. For the SML, this consultation is useless since it takes place after the vote on the Health Law.
For its part, the MG France union, the first union of general practitioners, said it would attend the health conference under conditions. Its presence will thus depend on the creation of teaching posts in general medicine promised by the government.
Earlier in the week, the National Council of the Order of Physicians (Cnom) announced that it would organize its own consultation, in parallel with the official orchestrated by the government.
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