While summer pollens will take over, grass pollens are still present throughout France.
The grasses never cease to linger on French territory. In mid-June, they attacked almost all of our country. If this is no longer the case today, grasses are nevertheless still present in France, as indicated in the National aerobiological surveillance network (RNSA) in its allergo-pollen bulletin. “Grasses will still be the most troublesome pollen” for the week of June 19-16, the network said on its website.
Source : RNSA.
More than half of the territory has a high allergic risk, mainly concentrated in the north of the country. In the rest of the country, the risk is medium. Six departments have a very high allergic risk: Mayenne, Sarthe, Orne, Eure-et-Loir, Yvelines and Allier. Four departments seem to be out of the woods with a very low risk (Andorra, Hérault, Bouches-du-Rhône and Var). However, “the gradual decrease in the quantities of these pollens [de graminées, NDLR] is underway, ”says the bulletin.
Arrival of summer pollens
The RNSA adds that “the chestnut trees are starting to flower”. For the moment, given their “low allergenic” pollen, the allergic risk associated with them is qualified as “very low”. Finally, with regard to other pollens, the risks are low. Parietary and lime pollens are still present, while olive, oak and plantain pollens are beginning to be inconspicuous. As for sorrel pollens, they are on the verge of disappearing.
Background of increased allergies
In general, the number of people with allergies is on the rise. No later than May 18, 2015, a newsletter SOS Doctors noted that visits for allergies were up 20% for children under 15 and 22% for adults under 75, compared to the previous two years. As for consultations for asthma-related problems, they increased by 22% among children.