It is not entirely innocent that “selfitis”, a new disorder that characterizes people who are addicted to selfies, has been officially recognized as a disease by Indian doctors. It is indeed in India that we post the most selfies on social networks and last year 14 people died there because of one of these selfies.
Chronic or severe selfitis?
Researchers from the Thiagarajar School of Management in India and the University of Nottingham (Great Britain) have established, following a scientific study published in the Journal of mental health and addiction that being addicted to selfies was a real mental disorder.
They even set up a scale to tell if you have severe disease or not.
• You take pictures of yourself at least three times a day without posting them on the networks: you are “at risk of selfitis”.
• You take pictures of yourself at least three times a day and post them on social networks: you suffer from a severe form of selfitis.
• You have an uncontrollable urge to take pictures of yourself throughout the day and you post these pictures on the networks more than six times a day: you suffer from chronic selfitis.
Lead author Janarthanan Balakrishnan said people with the disorder “may exhibit symptoms similar to other potentially addictive behaviors.” The only possible treatment: let go of your smartphone.
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