On Instagram, Imre Çeçen is followed by 285,000 people: this fitness, lifestyle and wellness blogger regularly posts photos of her perfect figure, which she maintains thanks to a well-oiled sports routine and a strictly gluten-free diet. lactose free.
However, on June 4, the Instagramer decided to be honest with her fans: she revealed behind the scenes of these photos taken by the pool, where she displays tanned and ultra-thin thighs, and a thigh gap vertiginous … “I had to arch my back like crazy and hold my legs in the air to take this shot. I’m pretty sure I have a hernia now, it worked my abs! »She says in a resolutely body positive message addressed to her followers.
“It does not mean that you are fat”
“Your legs are pressed against a surface, so they are supposed to widen!” It doesn’t mean that you are fat. Even the most muscular legs in the world will look like a huge pile of shapeless meat if they aren’t flexed. If you don’t want your legs to widen, maybe you should invest in stone legs… ”she adds, with“ Instagram VS reality ”photo to back it up.
“We have totally lost touch with reality because of these photos of surreal thighs that look like hot dogs. In real life, when the thighs are put on a chair, they widen and this is normal. No need to complex about it. The young woman still admits being “guilty” of participating in this deception, since she regularly publishes similar photos on social networks. This is an update that should do good for our self-esteem, just a few weeks before the holidays …
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