April 25, 2017.
Severe respiratory allergies are on the rise and in a recently published White Paper, specialists on the subject are worried about the dramatic consequences of what they call “new diseases”.
More severe respiratory allergies today than ever before
Today, between 20% and 25% of French people suffer from an allergy and this figure is constantly increasing. The evolution of lifestyles and the increasingly frequent exposure to allergens is not without explaining this prevalence which worries allergists today. In a White Paper, published on April 21, 2017, they alerted health authorities to this threat, which today results in symptoms that are far more worrying than simple sneezing in early spring.
The authors of this White Paper note that the respiratory allergies that their patients suffer from are increasingly severe and make this chronic disease a real handicap for those who suffer from it.
The allergy has become the 4th global chronic disease
” Over the past decades, health professionals and patient associations have expressed growing concern about the emergence of new forms of respiratory allergies, more complex and multifactorial, to the point of speaking of ‘new diseases’ to qualify this phenomenon “, Can we read in the report which highlights a trend” far from harmless “, Because these poly-allergic patients” have an increased risk of developing severe asthma characterized by worsening of classic symptoms “.
According to the World Health Organization, the allergy is now the 4th global chronic disease. Respiratory allergies are also the number one cause of lost productivity in the world, ahead of cardiovascular disease. Faced with this observation, the allergists who wrote this White Paper encourage the authorities to look into the subject, by initiating the fight against severe respiratory allergies within the framework of a national political plan.
Sybille Latour
For more information: Allergies: symptoms and diagnosis