Be sure of one thing, your digestive system does not need food supplements, juices or detox recipes to detoxify or regenerate. It’s his job and he does it alone. The only thing he needs is time!
However, he will appreciate your efforts if you calm down with sugar and fat after overeating. For allow the digestive system to do its job, we must give him a break. Bet on vegetable juices! Packed with vitamins and antioxidants, they are real allies for the body. It is also one of the best ways to consume vegetables. In juice, they allow you to stock up on vitaminsunlike cooking which deteriorates them.
“ Green vegetables have an antioxidant role, because they are rich in chlorophyll. Chlorophyll helps regenerate cells, eliminate toxins (therefore detox), and finally purify the body by regulating intestinal transit. », explains Aurélie Canzoneri in her new book A naturopath in my kitchen (ed. Marabout).
She shares her recipe for detox green vegetable juicevery quick to digest (15 to 30 minutes. It therefore requires almost no effort from the digestive system which is thus put to rest.
The detox green vegetable juice recipe
Ingredients for 2 glasses : 1 cucumber, 1 celery stalk, 2 cm ginger. Always choose organic vegetables and if possible seasonal. No need to peel them (unless they are not organic), because most of the vitamins are found in the skin.
Add all the ingredients to the juice extractor and enjoy!
To read to go further: A naturopath in my kitchen (ed. Marabout)